Design and Corruption
“It is clear that Hugo F Boss did not only join the party because it led to contracts for uniform production, but also because he was a follower of National Socialism,” Roman Koester, an economic historian at the Bundeswehr (English: Federal Defence Force) University in Munich.
Design is used for all aspects of society, good and bad. Is it fair to applaud and praise a design if its outcomes are negative? A good example of this is the ‘Nazi brand’ and the impeccable design of their uniforms. Hugo Boss, a German luxury fashion house, originally focusing on uniform design, designed and produced uniforms for the Nazi Party, using slave labour. “The clothing factory founded by Mr. Hugo Boss manufactured work clothes and we think SS uniforms as well” says Monika Steilen, spokeswoman for Hugo Boss AG, by phone from headquarters in Germany. Due to bankruptcy, Boss took on the project of designing the German SS uniforms and other Nazi organisations. Hugo Boss was a known member of the Nazi party and after his afilliations with the party, his profit and sales flourished. The Nazi uniform was “a contract that propelled a small-time business into a huge international corporation during the 1930s”. Even though the links between Hugo Boss and Nazi army came out in masses through the press, the brand did not suffer as much as it could have. They were open to questions and dealt well with the accusations, accepting that it had happened and that they would try and delve deeper into the history between the two. Since the news of the link, celebrities and powerful people have had no problem with wearing the Boss brand, is that not wrong? The brand would not be where it is today without the help of the Nazi party. This link is a very good example of design and corruption. The world is a corrupt place and designs will continue to be produced for all the right and wrong reasons